
Monday, October 23, 2017

Thank you for 10000 subscribers on YouTube! :)

I thank each and every subscriber and Non-subscriber. Love to all.

Good Karma and wishes always !!!!!!

Friday, September 1, 2017

Do you see these numbers often? 111 222 333 444 555 666 777.....ANGEL NUMBERS

Do you see these numbers often?

I recently met a positive soul, who introduced me to the sequence of numbers. Since then I have been seeing these numbers and sequences a lot. After careful research, I have come across with details of what they mean. There is a reason why you see these numbers. Do not ignore these signs. So without wasting your time let me introduce you to these Angel Numbers.

111, 1111 and series of 1's

Angel Number 111 is a message from your angels to be prepared of your persistent thoughts and ideas as these are going to be a reality soon. Ensure that your beliefs, thoughts and mind-sets are positive and optimistic in order to draw the energies of abundance and balance into your life. Think positive and nicer things when you see these numbers. (Please please DO NOT think of what you dont want)

222, 2222, and series of 2's

If you see 2's or series of it then it qualifies as a message of faith and trust from your angels. It basically has to do with balance, manifesting miracles and give you new opportunities. One needs to keep faith and continue thinking positive and think of longevity and stand strong in personal truths. 

333, 3333 and series of 3's

The number 3 refers to the Trinity, and means that you are receiving divine protection, help, and guidance. Number 3 is about close connection to God/Nature/Almighty (whatever you believe in).
This is a very strong indication that your prayers will be true very soon. Have Patience!


444, 4444 and series of 4's

This number is about Intuition and Inner thoughts. There will be encouragement and guidance. Angels will provide you with positive energies, inner strength and protection. Continue what you are doing and you will achieve your goals. Listen to you intuition and follow it. You are doing the right thing. Continue doing that! 

555, 5555 and series of 5's

If you see this number means you should let go the past that is no longer serving you positively. Trust that they will be replaced with something better and more deserving. Let the fear and confusion not bother you. Think about the good times and good things in your past. There was a reason that happened in your life. But its time to move on and let the new opportunity enter your mind. Give everyone the gift of love

Other series to follow soon

Stay blessed!!

Saturday, August 26, 2017

August 26 2017-Caution!

August 26th 2017

26th - 2+6=Number 8

August= 8th month of the year= Number 8

August 26th 2017=8+26+2017=8+8+1=17=Number 8

26th Day of the month=Number 8

As we all know, number 8 is ruled by Saturn. It is the number of justice and extremism. Either gives you riches or makes you poor. 

Good deeds will get you good results. And bad deeds will give you your karma.

A day where we need to be careful while driving, travelling, any natural calamities, accidents, attacks etc etc etc. Try and have a calm mind today. Let's forgive and forget.

Wish everyone a peaceful day!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

2017 Numerology Predictions Free-Personal Year Number Horoscope

Yet another year goes by…..

There were so many up’s and down’s. Anyway 2015 or number 9 (2+0+1+6) is suppose to cause anxiety and sadness with sudden happiness and joy! Number 9 is ruled by Planet “Mars” hence climate all over the world was hot, as compared to other years. It was one of the hottest year in the history!

Brexit caused anxiety around the globe and so did demonetization and USA elections.

Red is the color of planet mars. Hence;

Euro cup was picked by Portugal (Red jersey)


Chile defeated Argentina

Djokovic beat Andre Murray

West Indies won Women’s world cup, men’s world cup and under 19 world cup! OMG!!!

Trump (Republicans) represent red color

So how does 2017 looks like, in general:

Yellow, gold, brown & orange would be the best shades in the year of Sun.

Sun is the creative force that gives light & life. Creative industries like Film industry would do better than the past year.

Consultancy or 'service' providing industries, banking industries, as well as manufacturing & advanced inventions, IT, software & technology will do well.

Like the Sun, No 1 persons usually like to lead from the front, and do better in positions of authority over others.

Those in authoritative positions, like Company promoters, Team-Leaders, Politicians & bureaucrats could have a field year.

Advanced inventions, solar energy, technology, IT, Start-ups, Computer & electronics could do well.

This can lead us to assume that the second half of 2017 could be more productive for the world economy than the first.

1, 2, 4 & 7 being a family, those born with such Numbers (1st, 10th, 19th, 28th; 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th; 4th, 13th, 22nd, 7th, 16th & 25th in any month) could have a field year. Leo's can shine too as Leo Ruler is No 1, Sun.

Cancer & Taurus star signs are governed by No 2 (Moon) & can also expect an awesome year.

And all whose current age is same as their birth Number; like if you are born on the 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th in any month then all years adding to 1 could be eventful, like your 19th, 28th, 37th, 46th, 55th, 64th, 73rd years.

2017 or 1 (2+0+1+7=10=1+0), Sun that's fiery hot again so we may not get respite from the heat for one more year till 2018 that adds to 2, Moon, colder & calmer.

Number 10 is ruled by Sun (rise) and zero (fall)

The world economy could be turbulent with the stock indices swinging crazily both ways.

The lucky color for 2017 would be red, but do not overdo it.


Now let us further analyze individually how the New Year could fare for those born on each Number, 1 to 9.

Number 1:
People born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th in any month are termed as Number 1 people, ruled by the Sun.

2017 gives us 1, your primary Number, so you could look forward for more opportunities than the year gone by.

But you need to capitalize & choose the better ones; sealing a deal isn't more difficult & sometimes prudent than letting one go by.

The second half could bring more promises than the first.

Finances should look up, but the challenge will be to hold on to what you make; keep one eye on savings, especially long term ones.

In fact one good year can take one ahead by a few years too.

Those in position of authority will have to fulfil expectations of juniors who shall look upon you for a boost; try not to disappoint them.

Remember, with more power comes more responsibilities.

Health Tip -
Draw a line between over-activity & in-activity.

Number 2:
# 2 represents the Moon, and they are persons born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th of any month.

If 2016 didn't meet expectations then the good news is that 2017 can even perhaps surpass some of your aspirations.

Moon, your ruler makes you creative & dreamy, but to achieve dreams it's necessary to wake-up!
The year of the Sun is the right time to come out of hibernation for those who have been planning their career move.

If you combat your mind (read-mood) then there is so much fame awaiting you.

You are destined for honors, awards & recognition if you follow your goals & sixth-sense.

Those suffering from health issues can bounce back, the magnetic rays of the Sun can make you feel rejuvenated.

Financially you may overspend, but remember what fellow No 2, SRK once said-
'Spend so much that you find ways to make more!'

Health Tips -
Alternate remedies can help overcome restlessness, if you conquer your mind, this will take care of your body.

Number 3:
People born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th in any month are termed as Number 3 people, ruled by the biggest planet Jupiter.

Mostly you are hardly ever 'cash-strapped' so demonetization would have come to you as a rude shock.

Though you would feel cramped, remember that you have & will come out of the tightest of situations with bravado.
Tough times don't last, tough people do! Though you have set high standards of achievements, sometimes one can bank on past-laurels too.

Your hard-working & enterprising nature would sail you eventually.

Focus on loved ones, don't neglect them when they need you the most.

Not being too expressive in matters of love & affection is not a licence that will help for ever so work on this grey area.

Health Tips -
Do not strain yourself too much, physically nor mentally.

Number 4:
People born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, and 31st in any month are termed as # 4's, ruled by Uranus. Uranus {4} is linked with the Sun {1} so # 4's are also indirectly influenced by the magnetic rays of the Sun.

If 2016 was a mixed-bag, then you shall get relief this year.

Your best Number is 1, Sun and can bank on 2017 to be a year that can be remembered as a landmark year for some years to come.
For those who want to prove their mettle, now is the time to spend your resources & capitalize.

Though expenses could mount, treat this as an investment that shall multiply into long-term returns.

Those eligible have a greater chance to tie the knot.

Others looking for better job prospects can be equally lucky.

Health Tips -
take care of your lungs, throat & feet; guard against urinary problems. Worship the Sun that gives Light & Life.

Number 5:
People born on the 5th, 14th, 23rd in any month are termed as # 5's, ruled by Mercury, the fastest.

Mercury melts with heat and 1, Sun {2017} is fiery.

The trick is to disguise your aggression & focus on more meaningful jobs in hand.
Your dry wit can act as a shield too; use your communication skills to your advantage. But being a good listener is equally important.

Though you love to travel, there would be fewer opportunities than usual. Which is not a very bad thing; money saved is money earned.

If you are persistent enough, you will score, even if the run-rate could be slower than your expected pace.

So try to remain at the crease.
Being an adaptable personality, you love to be amongst friends, flip side being you get bored of them as fast too.

Focus on a particular relationship that can endure so you get back the love with equal intensity.

Health Tips -
Alternate remedies like yoga & meditation can help ward off depression & anxiety. An emerald can help too.

Number 6:
People born on the 6th, 15th and 24th in any month are termed as #6, ruled by Venus. Venus also governs Librans and Taurus born.

Last year’s luck could rub off for some time only before which you need to eventually recoup your energies.

You should brace yourself to push harder to achieve desired results & recognition.
Do not allow yourself to get downhearted if your efforts don't fructify.

If you don't win a race, do a post-mortem, make it a learning experience; eventually nothing is hence wasted.

Your charismatic nature can charm the best; bank on this side of your disposition.

Usually a spendthrift do not let the 'cashless' economy make you splurge or you could find any amount of cash less!

Love & romance are things that you can hardly do without too.

So work overtime to let the momentum & bond last longer.

You don't want to again invest more time in a newer relationship, do you!

Health Tips -
Work on your food habits, do not over-indulge. Pay attention to physical fitness.

Number 7:
People born on the 7th, 16th and 25th in any month are termed as # 7's, ruled by Neptune, and such persons are also under the influence of the interchangeable # 2 of Moon. Cancerians too are ruled by 7 {and 2}.

You could juggle between spirituality & materialistic spheres with ease, one leg on either side.

Your past efforts could get you the recognition & rewards too. This good phase can last two years & hence continue till the end of 2018.
Your love life that may have seen some upheavals can get sorted too but not without efforts from your end too. Remember, it's a two-way street.

Finances could look up from August onwards.

Till then you have to fight your own battle.

Life isn’t bed of roses anyway!

However, from the second half of the year, you may expect a good phase for alliances & partnerships, you will once again treat life as a team-game.

Health Tips - 
Your mind rules over your body; yoga & meditation may work even better than gymming.

Number 8:
People born on the 8th, 17th, and 26th in any month are termed as # 8's, ruled by Saturn. # 8 also presides over the Zodiacal Signs of Capricorns, Aquarians and Librans.

If you have been grossly misunderstood in the recent months that went by, you will have the opportunity to clean the slate too now.

Try not to feel lonely & isolated, you could do with more than the few friends that you have.
Basking in their presence will bring the hidden best out from within you.

This can also help clear the air.

Those looking to get hitched can have more opportunities coming their way.

1, Sun (2017) & 8, Saturn are like Father & son so love & hate cannot be ruled out. As a result, do not stretch matters till the edge.

Try not to wait till the end to complete targets, time being so unpredictable.

With patience & perseverance Saturn blesses you with will-power & determination.

Post July you can expect if not exactly a wind-fall then at least compensations that will strengthen your belief in mankind.

In matters of relationship & romance, don't let your shyness make you miss the bus. If you can't be loud & bold, come out of the shell at least. It's a beautiful world out there!

Health Tips -
Sleep well, early to bed should be your mantra this year or else insomnia can cause depression.

Number 9:
People born on the 9th, 18th and 27th in any month are termed # 9's, governed by Mars, and Scorpions & Arians too are Mars ruled.

9, Mars & 1, Sun (2017) are poles apart, common factor being both are fiery & are pillars of the Numbers game.

Do not let your ego come in between relationships, personal or professional.
Your karmas & hard-work can help avoid mishaps.

The secret is to stay busy; this way time will fly faster.

Those looking for a job change shall try to instead lie low; usually we don't go out for a drive when there's a storm coming.

Most times, known enemies are better than unknown.

Socially you could do a lot for your fellow-men.

Leading from the front can come naturally to you.

Romance can be the grey area that needs some ironing.

Health Tips -
spend some time on physical fitness, but also guard against accidents, don't drive rashly. Red Coral can help too.

Wishing all readers a very Happy New Year.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Why MH 370 went missing? Is it likely that MH370 will ever be found? Controversies and conspiracy theories. Spooky facts!

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

Officially, it is for NTSB (National Transport security board) and 

Malaysian Government to find the missing MH 370 and 

investigate the reasons why it went missing

We will look into the event with numbers associated to it and 

understand power of numbers and its justifications:

1) Missing/Crash (presumed) :  8 March 2014
As we all know, number 8 is ruled by Saturn. It is the number of justice and extremism. Either gives you riches or makes you poor. 

If we add up all the numbers of the date 8+3+2+0+1+4=18 or 9 which is ruled by planet Uranus. Number that justifies Karma or deeds. Again, played an important role in missing of the plane. 

2) 404th (8) Boeing 777 product : Plane 404 not found!
As per media and wikipedia, Boeing 777 is the 404th Boeing 777 
produced. 404 (4+4=8) again comes to an unfortunate number 8. 

3)  As per media reports, Boeing 777 Developed in consultation with 
eight major airlines (8), the 777 was designed to replace older wide-body 
airliners and bridge the capacity difference between Boeing's 767 and 747

4) Pilot in command Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah was 53 (8) years old

5) "Zaharie Ahmad Shah" if name was to be calculated adding number
associated to each digit gives number 51. Number 51 is the number of power, 
leadership and advancement. The downfall is enemies, danger and chances 
of assassination. 

MOHANDAS K GANDHI, who was fondly known as Mahatma Gandhi came on number 51 and as we all know he was Assassinated. 
M=4, O= 7, H= 5, A= 1, N= 5, D= 4, A= 1, S= 3, K=  2, G=3, A=1, N=5, D=4, H=5, I= 1    =    51

Some theories by NTSB were based on the rumor that this could be an act of suicide by the pilot. Of course, it was never proved. 

6) The co-pilot was 27-year-old (2+7=9) First Officer Fariq Abdul Hamid.

7) Name "Fariq Abdul Hamid" comes to number 44 (4+4=8). Number 44 represents dangers and failures.

8) Flight had maximum number of Chinese citizens as passengers. The total number of Chinese passengers were 152 (1+5+2=8). Although, media reports say One Chinese passenger boarded with a Hong Kong passport. Either way 153 (1+5+3=9) would come to inauspicious number, again!

9) Officially, flight was scheduled to depart at 00:35 (3+5=8) local time (MYT; UTC+08:00) and arrive at 06:30 (6+3=9) local time (CST; UTC+08:00) Again number 8! 

10) As per the British firm Inmarsat, the aircraft's final automated position report and last transmission, using the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) protocol, was sent at 01:07 MYT (1+7=8)

11) As per media reports, government has decided to halt the crashed search since 17 January 2017 (1+7=8) 

Any air crash is an unfortunate event that could have been averted. There were instances when this flight was close to be found and there were wreckage and pieces assumed to be of the plane. There are many theories and many possibilities from alien to cyber attack to suicide, but nothing has been proved. 

Whether this plane will be found or not? As per numbers my assumption is that the incident was ruled around number 8 and 9 which are tend to be numbers of justice and karma. The plane will be found the similar way it disappeared! Someday, Someway! 

My heart goes out to the people who were taken away from this incident. God Bless! 

Please feel free to post your views. Thank you!

Monday, January 16, 2017

Number's Matter! Hollywood movie's that were on fortunate numbers!

Number's Matter!

Most of the directors do not worry about numbers. But we will point out that number's matter.

In the year 2016, 9 out of 10 Highest-grossing films of 2016 fell either on Fortunate or neutral numbers. 

Movie's on Fortunate Numbers:

1) The Jungle Book (Number 55=1)
2) LA LA Land (Number 21=3)
3) DeadPool (Number 39=3)
4) Zootopia (Number 42=6)
5) Finding Dory (Number 41=5)

Movie's on Neutral Numbers

1) Suicide Squad: (Number 38=2)
2) Batman v Superman: dawn of justice (Number 34=7)
3) Fantastic beasts and where to find them (Number 20=2)

Movie's not falling on fortunate numbers

The BGF (Number 27=9)
Gods of Egypt (Number 53=8)
Allied (Number 17=8)
Ghostbusters (Number 47)

Ironically, the highest grossing movie "Captain America: Civil War" comes on number 8, the number of justice. Number 8 indicates, either a great loss or good profit. Well! If you got stars like Chris Evans & Robert Downey Jr and great directors then movie has to be a blockbuster, rest assured.

God bless!!